Our Services RepossessionsSpeCIALIZING IN involuntary & voluntary REPOSSESSIONS for a variety of motor vehicles- CARS, SUVS, TRUCKS, MOTORCYCLES, TRAILERS, RV’S, BOATS & MORE… Impound RepossessionsREPO IN THE IMPOUND YARD? WE GOT IT COVERED! FlatbedIf the motor vehicle has collision damage or all wheel drive, we bring in our flatbeds to get the job done! Dollys quick & efficient dolly throwing for any all wheel drive vehicles that need to be REPOSSESSED with a quickness. Skip Tracing Having trouble locating or findng information on a REPOSSESSION? Our next-generation of in house investigators will use their expertise to find & locate information on the motor Vehicle. Personal Property & Storage10 days of storage included with all REPOSSESSIONS.Upon the vehicles arrival Our Team sorts through & organizes property for debtor to redeem up to 45 days after being notified.